DS » Новости
Последние новости
2009-04-08 SHORT F.A.Q.
2009-03-09 Demo Uploading!
2009-01-10 Do not upload demos!
2009-01-05 Rules
Последние демки
¤ 2009-09-29: apollumi vs random - pov apollumi
¤ 2009-08-12: Av3k vs madix - pov Av3k
¤ 2009-08-12: Av3k vs noctis - pov Av3k
¤ 2009-08-12: Av3k vs madix - pov Av3k
¤ 2009-07-02: other demos vs other demos - pov ---
¤ 2009-07-02: Weird vs Madix - pov Weird & Madix
¤ 2009-07-02: SPARTiE vs --- - pov SPARTiE
101 Демок в базе (0 пока не одобрено)
56 written comments
19 votes

All non english comments will be deleted
IRC: #quakelive

I have finally found the way how to edit the demos. Few demos were edited and few deleted since they were uploaded more then once.

blankblankкомментарии | 0
 SHORT F.A.Q.2009-04-08 15:38 | CAREEM
Here is a short "demo play" F.A.Q for everyone!

Where should I extract a demo?
You have to extract a demo in: "C:-Documents and Settings-[user]-Application Data-id Software-quakelive-home-baseq3-demos".

How do I play a demo?
You have to type in console "demo (demoname.dm_73)"

How do I record a demo?
You have to type in console "record (demoname)"

Slash doesnt work so I gave instead of right slash this "-". HF!
blankblankкомментарии | 2
 Demo Uploading!2009-03-09 13:47 | CAREEM
If any one want to upload the demos for people and if you think a demo is a worth watch then upload it here.

The demos of pro players like fox, k1llsen, stermy and zero4 are, are very welcome! If you have the demos of the pro players then please upload them here!

blankblankкомментарии | 1
 Do not upload demos!2009-01-10 05:48 | CAREEM
The demos are not allowed to upload yet. It's against the NDA currently. We have to wait until the game will be published.

If you want to watch or upload QL demos then make sure you will visit QL forum.
blankblankкомментарии | 1
 Rules2009-01-05 19:13 | urbasek
When adding a demo You have to be registered and logged user.
Choose category (teams or non-team).
- Teams are : duels, 2vs2, 3vs3, 4vs4, CTF, InstaGib.
- Non-teams are : deathmatches and demos with tricks.
There is also possibility to link movies but firstly you have to contact an admin. Demos to upload have to be compressed with zip and maximum 10MB.
After choosing a category, fill out all the remaining fields: choose type of the game then names and nationality of teams, in case of duels type in players' nicks.

However, tournament games require inserting tag of the clan (not full name!), subsequently the score, pov which has been taken advantage of while recording the demo, type of map (file name, not full name), date the demo was recorded and finally short demo description.
Clicking "Send" button will entail demo's upload, the system will notify you itself once the upload is finished. Demo is being authorized right now, if it met all the requirements one of the admins will accept its publication on the web and evaluate his score (1-10) (If the demo is share on the site name of the admin who approved will also be displayed).
The system enables to comment and score already approved demos, but only for registered and logged users.
Only comments in English are acceptable, rest of them will be deleted by one of our moderators.

Demo name shouldn't contain any non-alphabet characters such as '%^.
All the above will save us trouble and result in faster demos acceptance.

blankblankкомментарии | 0
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Больше скачаны
¤ BLUE - Live Fragging (3794 downloads)
¤ fox vs MathsGenius (2890 downloads)
¤ cypher vs rapha (2809 downloads)
¤ stermy vs spartie (2531 downloads)
¤ SP Mad vs link1n (2399 downloads)
¤ k1llsen vs muTz (2212 downloads)
¤ fooki vs bodzo (2163 downloads)
¤ Cypher vs Fox Qcon 2008 (2125 downloads)
¤ DaFonemen vs id_ (2092 downloads)
¤ DaFonemen vs fake_id (2040 downloads)
Лучшие оценки
¤ fox vs MathsGenius (10.00, голоса(ов): 3)
¤ SP Mad vs link1n (10.00, голоса(ов): 2)
¤ k1llsen vs muTz (10.00, голоса(ов): 1)
¤ stermy vs spartie (10.00, голоса(ов): 1)
¤ fooki vs bodzo (10.00, голоса(ов): 1)
¤ DaFonemen vs id_ (9.00, голоса(ов): 2)
¤ DaFonemen vs fake_id (9.00, голоса(ов): 2)
¤ cypher vs rapha (9.00, голоса(ов): 2)
¤ Cypher vs Fox Qcon 2008 (9.00, голоса(ов): 1)
¤ azmo vs 1o1 (8.00, голоса(ов): 1)
Лучшие аплоадеры
1. флаг LeopolD - Демки: 28 (28%)
2. флаг Festival - Демки: 27 (27%)
3. флаг CAREEM - Демки: 10 (10%)
4. флаг azmo - Демки: 9 (9%)
5. флаг bjohnblazkowicz - Демки: 6 (6%)
6. флаг 1o1 - Демки: 5 (5%)
7. флаг stone - Демки: 3 (3%)
8. флаг sonic - Демки: 2 (2%)
9. флаг Ninny - Демки: 2 (2%)
10. флаг alianali - Демки: 1 (1%)
Top pov
1. ZeRo4 - Демки: 10 (10%)
2. fooki - Демки: 10 (10%)
3. cypher - Демки: 9 (9%)
4. azmo - Демки: 9 (9%)
5. 1o1 - Демки: 6 (6%)
6. Vo0 - Демки: 6 (6%)
7. bodzo - Демки: 6 (6%)
8. rapha - Демки: 6 (6%)
9. stermy - Демки: 5 (5%)
10. DaFonemen - Демки: 3 (3%)

Лучшие оценки pov:
1. fox (10.00, голоса(ов): 3)
2. Mad (10.00, голоса(ов): 2)
3. bodzo (10.00, голоса(ов): 1)
4. stermy (10.00, голоса(ов): 1)
5. k1llsen (10.00, голоса(ов): 1)
6. DaFonemen (9.00, голоса(ов): 4)
7. cypher (9.00, голоса(ов): 3)
8. azmo (8.00, голоса(ов): 1)
9. 1o1 (8.00, голоса(ов): 1)
10. Damiah (7.00, голоса(ов): 1)
Гости: 17 (82)
Зарегистрированные: 0 (0)
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